In terms of the strategic investment that I think it represents, it is undoubtedly important. What we would observe right now—and we had an opportunity to discuss this in the context of our efforts to address the productivity issue—is that a lot of the efforts within the government tend to be more toward redistributive spending versus longer-term strategic investment in what will effectively affect our productivity performance and the ultimate standard of living that we'll leave as a legacy to our kids.
Learning, literacy development, education, training--to those kinds of investments we don't seem to be currently assigning the same level of urgency as we are to some of the other things, such as health care, that seem to be more of the here and the now for the yuppie generation that tends to carry a lot of the political light of the day. For our kids, we'd better be making that longer-term investment in programs to develop the capacity of our labour force, not only in the literacy area but also in the utilization of the talent of our immigrants, newcomers, and others.
I personally believe it's more strategically sound to make sure those investments are sustained and made in effective areas, doing more assessment on what's working and what isn't, so that we don't eliminate them holus bolus but find out where we can strategically have an impact and concentrate our spending in those areas.