It comes down to a fundamental change in how to look at it in terms of where we're going. Our focus is primarily in terms of our rights and our people in creating a future that's viable and not based on a model of poverty. What we're saying is, make the right strategic investments in our communities to move them forward for the long run in terms of when we talk about the investments, where we're going, and make those kinds of investments to fundamentally change the outlook in our communities.
The current framework was built in the past and has been frozen for a number of years in terms of growth. It hasn't kept pace with the growing population in our communities. Communities have had to make more and more trade-offs in terms of what they're doing, and increasingly they're beginning to get more involved in economic development and entrepreneurship to work their way out of poverty. More and more communities, like the ones I mentioned, are really focusing on that.
As you said, there needs to be more federal support of directed activity supporting us to help rebuild our economies.