For the most part--I'd like to say for the whole part--they are very positive. We like to take a cooperative approach when it comes to compliance, and I'll give you an example.
When FINTRAC was introducing the first of the reporting requirements, which would have been four or five years ago, we phased them in. So we discussed with the reporting entities because it is a big challenge. We wanted to collect all the information electronically, which is more efficient for us and more efficient for them. We took an approach where we could phase them in when the regulations came into force for each of the different reporting types. We sat down and asked them, would six months be sufficient time if we want to make any systems changes that affect electronic reporting? And we put in place mechanisms with the Canadian Bankers Association, what we called a change management process. We meet regularly with the larger reporting entities, and I would say that the relationships are, on the whole, positive.
It's tougher to reach the unregulated sectors, but I would still characterize those relationships as somewhat positive. They're maybe not as positive as with the regulated sectors, but we find they are responding, for the most part.