The sport animator has been linked through the Department of Health Promotion and Protection to our after-school physical activity program. What that program involves is our going into communities to train high school students in the community to deliver after-school programs for children in grades four to six. It's geared towards children who are not already participating in sport.
We work at the school level, with the principals and the teachers, to try to identify and encourage those children who may not participate in sport at that time to get involved, with the goal being, over a 24-week period, that at the end of the program those children would feel comfortable, if they enjoyed a particular sport, in maybe signing up. More importantly, if they're out on their front lawn and there are some kids playing in their neighbourhood, they wouldn't be embarrassed or too shy to take part.
It's really geared towards giving them the very basic, fundamental skills. At the same time, it's providing some leadership skills for the high school students, so that you're creating the leadership piece of your community as well.
We're currently piloting one of those programs at one of the nine sites we're operating this year, where this high school leadership piece is going to be offered as a curriculum credit through the high school in efforts to expand the program.