We will recommence.
I welcome our witnesses this afternoon.
I invite those who have conversations not pertaining to these deliberations to take them elsewhere.
We are the finance committee. We are charged with the onerous responsibility of making recommendations to the finance minister on the upcoming budget.
We very much appreciate your time today.
I can tell you that if you get a sense of a little celebratory mood here, it's at least in part due to the fact that we've been doing this for five solid weeks.
I also want to compliment my colleagues on the committee for their dedication to the task.
We have communicated with you. I know a couple of you are splitting time, but the rest of you will be given five minutes. I will give you an indication that you have one minute remaining, and I will then rather abruptly be put in the position of having to cut you off at five minutes. Of course, this is because we want to allow time after your presentations for an exchange with committee members, and I know you'll welcome that.
Thank you again for being here.
We'll commence with the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association, Rick Williams. Welcome, sir. Five minutes to you.