Thank you, Chair.
Again, Toronto scores big because of the quality of its presentations.
I feel sorry for Mr. Seiling. If he were still playing hockey, I think he'd be riding the bench. As I count your plus-minus, you're at least minus four at this point. You've lost your funding, the GST rebate got cancelled, museums got severely downgraded even though, as another witness told us, 60% of tourists go to museums, and your China program is going absolutely nowhere. I'm not quite sure what this government doesn't like about tourism, but they seem to be well on their way to pretty well killing a growth industry.
I wanted to, however, question the folks from the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce. You're pretty categorical--yours was probably one of the more categorical presentations--with respect to the 1% reduction in GST. You question whether it was the correct method to decrease overall personal tax burdens, and you go on to recommend that basically consumption taxes are the last thing you'd cut. You'd prefer to cut CCAs, CITs, BITs--pretty well anything but consumption taxes.
For the benefit of members opposite, can you expand on that?