First of all, I'd like to say that I in no way intended to convey that nothing has happened. Just as all of you work hard in the public interest, we work hard in the public interest, if you will, and it's frustrating—I think particularly if you look at the numbers. I hope you had an opportunity to look at that chart in my brief that looks between 1980 and 2004.
With all due respect—and I think it was Mr. Wallace who asked me about the numbers concerning the impact of the child benefit—yes, there's been some impact, but unfortunately you get what you pay for, or I should say you get out what you put in. The reason you see better numbers—and I am willing to say “the numbers”, because it was Charlie Coffey from the Royal Bank who once said to me, “If you don't count it, it doesn't count”, and I haven't forgotten that....
If you will, we have single-digit numbers of poverty in European countries, including the most competitive ones, such as Norway and Sweden, because they have both higher public investments and a higher wage floor—