Thank you, Director.
Now, Mr. Chair and members, I'd like you to look at the first chart, entitled “Business Process Flowchart - FINTRAC”, which you have in hand. I'll briefly describe the chart, which will make it possible to summarize the information we receive and to explain who we receive it from, before focusing on the way we conduct our analyses.
I'd like to draw your attention to the left portion of the chart, in the box entitled “Receiving Information”.
We start with financial transactions, including deposits and fund transfers, when they are made by entities included in the list on the right, such as banks, savings and credit unions, foreign exchange brokers and casinos.
These entities must file reports with FINTRAC when they make electronic transfers to Canada or outside Canada, or deposits in the country of CDN $10,000 or more. They must also report dubious transactions, regardless of the amounts involved.
In the lower left corner, you see that we also receive reports of cross-border currency and monetary instruments of $10,000 or more, as well as reports of currency seizures.
Virtually all this information is forwarded electronically and entered in our data base. Our act also enables us to access information retained for law enforcement and national security purposes, as well as commercial and public access data bases.
We are also able to request information from foreign financial information units.
Lastly, any person may willingly provide us with information. Our partners at law enforcement agencies can also forward information to us on a voluntary basis.
How do we analyze that information? We very much rely on our staff and technology.
As regards technology, electronic reception of financial information enables us to use IT systems to sort reports and link financial transactions.
In the initial examination of these related transactions, we target trends in dubious financial activities and ask one of our analysts to pay special attention to them.
In developing a case, analysts look at partnership transactions. They then check the identities of individuals and businesses concerned by the transactions and the trends in dubious financial activities.
When an analysis shows reasonable grounds to suspect that the financial activity could be relevant to a money laundering investigation or the financing of terrorist activities, a report is prepared explaining the reasons for the communication.
I would now like to refer to the second graphic. It is what we call a link chart. It depicts a money laundering case.
This chart demonstrates our analysis of financial transactions and other sources of information that enabled us to link three separate clusters of suspect financial transactions into a larger financial network for investigators. These separate clusters are identified as boxes A, B, and C.
Let me begin by describing the activity in box A. A foreign financial intelligence unit advised FINTRAC of a money laundering investigation of four individuals and a business involved in wiring funds between a number of accounts within a bank in that foreign country. The individuals involved provided Canadian addresses and identification and were described as Canadian. The business would wire funds through several foreign countries, to and between accounts over which the Canadians held power of attorney. The FIU found this activity suspicious but had very little further information.
Upon receipt of this information, FINTRAC tasked an analyst to search our database for financial transactions to determine if there was any financial activity involving the individuals and the business identified. According to the financial transactions database, the company wired several millions of dollars to multiple companies in Canada, as can be seen on the chart between boxes A and B.
Searches of open sources conducted to obtain additional contextual information on the Canadian companies identified in box B yielded very little or no information. We found little or no information for the companies in the way of advertising, telephone directory information, or company websites. We were able to confirm that one of the companies was incorporated in Canada. However, the nature of the business was not identified and did not appear to justify the level of financial activity between the companies identified in boxes A and B.
Further analysis revealed a suspicious transaction report filed by a Canadian reporting entity on one of these companies. The reporting entity stated that the accounts were opened several years ago and were relatively dormant. The dollar value of the wire transfers received into the two Canadian business accounts suddenly began to increase. It further stated that over a short period of time, millions of dollars were wired to the accounts held by this business with no rationale as to why the increase occurred. Wires received from various foreign companies originated in a country with weak anti-money-laundering controls. In addition, the reporting entity indicated that the cheques were being issued from a foreign currency exchange and being deposited to the company's account, which was inconsistent with the company's business identified.
Several other companies were also found to be operating at the same address. Further, what is important, when the address changed for one of the companies, which occurred several times in the year, all the other companies followed suit with a change of address. Two of the companies shared the same directors and received wire transfers from the same country.
Our analysis then led us to another company, which enabled us to link the financial activity found in box C. It is this company, company 7 in the centre in the chart, that is key in our analysis of this case, and I will discuss it now.
A suspicious transaction report was filed on the company in box C involving the two Canadians originally identified by the foreign financial intelligence unit. The report stated that over a period of five months, two individuals received fourteen wire transfers from four different companies. Efforts had been made to contact the individuals, but the mail was returned unopened and the phone number provided was incorrect.
The reporting entity refused the receipt of several wire transfers. As a result, a male appeared at the reporting entity and claimed that funds were owed to him from his business overseas. When asked about the wires from the various foreign companies, he did not know the companies or why they were sending the payments.
It is unusual, indeed, that a customer would receive funds from multiple businesses and not know who these businesses were or why the funds were being sent.
We also received voluntary information from a Canadian law enforcement agency on the same two individuals. It was suspected that the individuals were using their personal accounts to launder proceeds of crime. As a result of our analysis, and all the information available to us, we suspected that the financial transactions identified in the chart would be relevant to investigation or prosecution of a money laundering offence.
The internationally recognized indicators of money laundering that follow were identified as applicable in this case.
In this particular case we had large and/or rapid movement of funds. We had large incoming wires on behalf of foreign customers with little or no explanation. We had unexplained disbursal of funds to multiple businesses. We had use of multiple accounts at a single financial institution for no apparent legitimate purpose. We had two ongoing investigations, one by the foreign financial intelligence unit, the other one by local law enforcement. We had reactivation of a dormant account where there was atypical business account behaviour.
If you look at the top right-hand side of the chart, you see that what was interesting in this case is that we were provided little information by the FIU when the information came in. In the bottom right-hand side of the chart is voluntary information from the law enforcement agency. Through analysis and looking at our records, we were able to identify the key company, which is company 7, in the centre of your chart, linking the three boxes.
Overall in this case, we received from eight different reporting entities in excess of 400 electronic transfer reports, several large cash transaction reports, as well as suspicious transaction reports. The case identified suspect financial transactions in excess of $21 million U.S. and $2 million Canadian.
Thank you.