Now, Mr. McCallum has presented an amendment.
Mr. McCallum, I am going to rule your amendment out of order because it contradicts the Crown recommendations, which say specifically...and I could read them, but suffice it to say, in the manner and for the purposes set out in the measure....
Now, does everyone have Mr. McCallum's amendment? I want to explain my ruling, Mr. McCallum, to you and to committee members.
Mr. McCallum's amendment asked that clause 38 be amended by adding after line 3 on page 30:
The Security Intelligence Review Committee established by subsection...shall undertake a review
That review would clearly cost money, it would not be done for free, and because of that, Mr. McCallum, you're offending the royal recommendation in the preamble to the bill we received. On that basis, I will rule your amendment out of order.