Thank you for that point. However, we will, and we currently have other notices of motion. It will not be my practice to list every possible motion that could be brought at every meeting, because it will be up to the member to decide when they present it to the committee. Otherwise your agendas are going to be foldout sections comprising several pages, I expect, as we get more and more notices of motion from all members of the committee who wish to bring motions forward.
So it's up to the members when they wish to bring the motions forward. Madame Wasylycia-Leis had indicated to me earlier she wished to. I'm not directing her to do that, but I don't propose to include in every one of my agendas the possibility of motions being brought forward when they may in fact not be brought forward at those meetings.
Mr. Pacetti, you have a point on the same point of order?