I'd like to speak to the numbers for a moment, because you made the point extremely well. First of all, just to talk about numbers for a second, if you look at the numbers that are provided by CRA, it's approximately one million transactions a year. If you look at the overnight visitors to Canada from out of country, which is how every OECD country measures the success of the program, you see 20 million. If you take the number of average travellers per unit as two, you get 10 million travelling units. If you take one million transactions and 10 million travelling units, you get a 10% usage rate. That's exactly what other OECD countries see.
So first of all, the numbers in Canada are in line with other countries already.
However, to your other point, 12% is not better than 10% necessarily, not worse than 9%. The point is that 10% of the travelling units are using the program. They're receiving $74 million and $74 million represents 10% of the GST. You can see that the other 90% is staying here.
Your analogy is fantastic from the standpoint of a program like this. You measure it as a promotional coupon. You are marketing the discount to 100%, 20 million people coming into Canada. You're marketing it to all the potential clients out there. The fact that 10% take you up on it is a great thing.