You can make whatever assumption you'd like, but you start by saying that the taxes are too high, yet you don't reduce taxes. If I may, I could say the same thing for trusts and the way the trust funds were handled. We went about it the proper way last year. We consulted with Canadians, and Canadians told us what we were to do. We took the advice of what external people told us.
There is a reason for trust funds. There are a lot of smart people in your department. You can't tell me that just cutting trust funds is the way to go. There are ways to handle tax leakage. That is the problem, if I'm not mistaken, but you can't just disrupt the stock market and have people panic. A $25 billion reduction in one day just doesn't make any sense. How much money did the tax department give up in capital gains just in that day?
If Bell Canada and TELUS do decide to go into trust funds, there are capital gains there. There are capital gains that the Finance officials forfeited but could have received. There are other—