We are back. Welcome to our guests this morning.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), in the orders of the day we have a briefing to study the implications of the notice of ways and means motion tabled by the Minister of Finance on September 25, 2006, concerning amendments to the Excise Tax Act,
particularly the elimination of the visitors' GST rebate program.
We have witnesses to give us testimony this morning.
Thank you for taking the time to be with us. You have been given five minutes to do a brief introductory statement. I will give you an indication when you have one minute remaining, or less, and then we'll unceremoniously cut you off at five to allow time for an exchange with our committee members. I give you that warning in advance.
We'll begin our five-minute presentations with the Hotel Association of Canada, Anthony Pollard, president. Welcome, sir. You have five minutes.