But you agree with me that in the end, it is the federal government that will have to decide since it is a federal program. In this vein, I ask that you think hard about this principle.
To conclude, at page 79 of your document “Building a Strong Economy for Canadians”, you speak of a public policy commitment and you speak of funding infrastructure.
I was quite surprised to see that part of the envelope will be based on the merit principle, to fund projects according to a public-private partnership approach. It seems to me that you will surely favour some projects with this approach. Moreover, you speak of the obligation of the provinces, territories and municipalities to consider relying on public-private partnerships.
Given that in Quebec, the head of infrastructure programs is the province, Quebec, does this mean you will impose the public-private partnership formula on the provinces that are in charge of their infrastructure program?
In the French version, it is on page 79.