All right.
First of all, my preference would be to conclude a debate around the original motion. This strikes me as a separate motion. My concern is that there are some contradictions, obviously, between the two, in reference specifically to limiting discussion to three hours.
Let me try to move this forward a little bit.
What we're not debating here is whether there will be a debate. We're not debating that. What we're not debating is whether we'll hear witnesses on the issue. We're not debating that. What we're not debating is whether finance officials will come forward and answer questions about the issue. We're not debating any of that, because that's going to happen. The question before us is when that is going to happen. All of this other preamble and so on about the rationale and so on is really largely irrelevant and I think somewhat indicative of a lack of respect for the time of our witnesses and ourselves. Frankly, we're going to deal with the issue, and the question is when. That's what is really before us today.
We've had an indication from the parliamentary secretary that the legislation, the ways and means motion, is in its preparatory phase. We have no indication of when it will be coming forward. Can we get--