I'd like to comment on that. In fact, it's amazing how much the redacted documents that we were provided under the spirit of the Freedom of Information Act actually do reveal as to the methodology.
It's very clear. I have a handout here and I'd love to take you through it. It just lays bare the fact that the work that Finance does is somewhat concocted, from the standpoint of whether they do or do not acknowledge the retirement taxes Canadians pay.
It's one thing to ignore the fact that Canadians at large pay $9 billion of retirement taxes on $52 billion of income, which is coming in the front door. It's funny because Mr. Flaherty referred to the front door/back door concept—interesting—when this is in fact coming through the front door but has not been acknowledged inside the house. By virtue of that, they come up with these false tax leakage results.
Then, to make matters worse, they create policies that are regressive to those very people whose taxes they don't seem to want to acknowledge. Therefore, we're in the situation we are in today, and that's just not good.