No. It has nothing to do with this. But let's understand what average tuition fees are going to be in 10 to 15 years if we don't act. I understand and appreciate Madam Wasylycia-Leis' comments. But the reality is that average tuition in Ontario will go from $4,600 to $9,660. Those tuition rates are untenable. There is no student who will be able to afford that unless they have wealthy families. We agree on this. But the only way we're going to give more Canadians the opportunity to fend off these large increases in tuition fees is by using a system that works right now, not to the extent it can be. Make it before tax and you're going to catch a lot more people.
As for those who are not capable of paying, clearly government instruments, other programs, can be worked beyond the issue of tax credits to help them directly.