Let me understand this bill, Mr. Fitzpatrick. I understand the politics of the bill, but when you're trying to formulate public policy, you're trying to also deal with the law of unintended consequences.
Let me address my first question to the officials with respect, if you will, to how they see the law of unintended consequences working here. Is Mr. Fitzpatrick's proposal effectively a creation of a second layer of tax exemption? All Canadian filers get somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 basic personal exemption. Effectively, in his proposal, does that essentially move it up to a $12,000 exemption for kids who are elite hockey players? Is that, in effect, the result of his bill? If that is true, where would be the next pressure to move up that exemption?
If I could get a quick response on that, I'll know where I'm going with my questions.