—and your response to our suggestion that the fees be eliminated was very strong, I want to give you a scenario.
Not everyone lives in downtown Toronto and Montreal. A lot of us live in rural communities, in small places where we used to have banks. The banks were taken out of these communities, and consumers were left with no choice. You're talking about ATMs being a convenience. In some places they're not a convenience, and people who are struggling to make ends meet, counting their pennies, find it a real hardship to pay extra fees when they have no choice but to use an ATM. So that's one scenario.
You talked earlier about responding to the needs of consumers, and we're hearing from a lot of people about bank fees, so we're also responding to the needs of these consumers and bringing this issue forward. My question is, why do we have such fees when the banks are making such a huge profit, and people see that and feel that their $1.50 or whatever isn't going to hurt? Can you absorb those fees anywhere else? Basically you talked about being on the side of the consumer, but at the same time, you said that if they don't like having to pay those fees, then maybe they should look at going elsewhere.