To speak of the scope and magnitude of the issue is to say that we are working on it and it is getting more focused. I give the previous government credit for the health care accord that was reached. It has largely removed that issue from the table, not completely but largely. In our budget this year there's massive spending for infrastructure over the course of the next four years. It's not a complete answer, but it's a major step forward in terms of the fiscal balance issue. There's very substantial spending in Budget 2006 on capital for infrastructure for post-secondary education. But there's more to talk about there, definitely, as we go forward.
For the first time in Canada we have a federal government that says yes, there's a fiscal imbalance issue and we need to work together to move toward fiscal balance. I don't want you to think that we do not remain committed to moving toward fiscal balance; we do, and we consider it a work in progress. We're already making some strides.