I guess we're seeing a number of companies work on trying to be more environmentally friendly in their approaches and taking on new approaches to deal with carbon emissions.
For instance, Petrobank Energy and Resources has a toe-to-heel air injection program that does underground partial upgrading and doesn't require natural gas as an energy source. We have other companies that have worked on using carbon dioxide to produce other products, such as oil or gas. For instance, with its Weyburn project, Encana is actually importing carbon dioxide from, I believe, North Dakota to produce oil through a miscible flood program. Similarly, Apache is involved in a miscible flood program at Midale, which also takes carbon dioxide and produces oil from it and sequesters the carbon dioxide in the process.
And to a large degree, some of that has been driven by tax incentives or R and D incentives provided to these companies to be able to experiment with these new technologies.
Other existing oil sands projects have been working on cleaning out the tailings ponds or using less in that regard. So we're seeing a lot of developments in that area.