If I may, just to supplement Mr. Legault's comment, with regard to the credit card systems, essentially there are three ways in which credit card statements at the end of the month can be paid. Many Canadians bank with a single financial institution. They also take a credit card from that financial institution. At the end of the month, when you're paying your bill, we call that transfer “on us” because it's all within the financial institution.
In the discussions leading up to this meeting here today we spoke to many of our financial institutions, and we were assured that in the majority of those cases credit to that credit card statement is made the same day. For the balance of the VISA statements that Canadians must pay off at the end of each month, the majority that we're aware of are cleared and settled through the rules that we have called “H6”. The requirement under that rule is that the biller, and in this case VISA, will value-date the payment on the payment date. So if they utilize our rule and clear and settle through our systems, they will receive payment on the date the payment is made, so long as it's not very late in the evening. Each financial institution is somewhat different.