Yes, you do. The lowest-cost providers in terms of accessing your non-bank ABMs are in fact the banks at $1.50.
The Mouvement Desjardins has just increased its rate by thirty-three and a third per cent to $2, and the argument that the Mouvement Desjardins made in doing that was that they have the most extensive network of ABMs in the province of Quebec. They have 2,800. They are the single biggest financial institution. They're saying why should they subsidize anybody else using their ABM system, so they increased their rate from $1.50 to $2.
Then, of course, with white label providers, you can have fees that range up to $3, $4, and I'm told--I have none of this on personal experience--that in gentlemen's clubs, stripper organizations, bars, the fee may be outrageously high. But I assure you I don't have data based on personal knowledge. So there's a tremendous range out there if in fact a consumer is looking at a variety of choices.
If I can, I want to make one more basic point. For me, the issue is not 50ยข, $1.50, $2, or $4. The issue for the consumer is that the fee can very easily be made to be zero, because there is an enormous amount of choice out there. So for me the relevant number is zero.