As I said before, I think we must be careful. We're here to talk about the ABM industry, whether consumers are being adversely affected and whether this industry is competitive. My colleagues keep branching out into an overhaul of the banking system, whether it's in the rural areas or in the cities, so I'm going to try to keep it on point.
I won't make assumptions as to what the banks will do, as Duff has done, as far as their fees are concerned. I will say that I know the investment certainly will not go into a network if it is not cost-effective. As Nadia's research has indicated, they will not be investing into that network. History is our guide. We will see a shrinkage of services in the ABM channel from the banks.
And as I said, you then have the other issue of the white label industry being wiped of the face of the marketplace as well. That will again adversely affect the consumer.