You're right.
Now my clients--large and small business and individuals--are open to excessive amounts of fraud because all of these fraud features are taken off their cheques, as opposed to in the U.S., as I said, where they're expected to put them on. What do we do? They're going to charge extra fees now for the return of cheques, when that used to be included in your bank fees. You got your cheques back. Corporations got their cheques back. Now they're not going to be getting their cheques back.
What happens when there's a cheque scan and it's incorrect? We have no recourse built into Bill C-37, whereas in other jurisdictions they have built-in indemnities and warranties and the ability to get re-credits quickly and within a standardized process.
We need choice returned to consumers so they receive their cheques or scans. We need fraud features returned to the cheques. We need indemnity attached to scanned cheques. There are going to be large fees charged. ATM fees are nothing compared to what they're going to be charging for all the extra features that you'll have to implement in order to prevent fraud in your company. You'll have to go to positive pay, maybe at some banks as much as $1 a cheque.
Right now to view your scanned cheque online, just for my TD Bank account it's $1.50 per cheque per view. The Royal Bank, the last I heard, is $2.25 per cheque per view.