I'll comment on cost generally, if you want.
To my knowledge, there is no accounting convention for the way that you account for ABMs. I can tell you that at Royal Bank we do not have a separate P and L that adds up our ABM costs. If we were even to submit it to your point--which I would not want to do--I can tell you that I don't know where you'd even start asking what to include.
We have all of the hardware, software, development, and innovation costs. We have the cost of getting money there. We have signage that we put on the machines. We provide security. We repair machines that are damaged. There is all of information technology, maintenance, general administration, service, staffing, and armoured truck services. We pay over $40 million a year to just get cash to the machines. There is research and development. There are premises costs. How much of your premises do you allocate to a machine, if it's sitting in a branch? There are communications and debit card issuing, when we issue the cards to the people. There are payments to retailers and how they go. There is the cost of funds, and the lost opportunity for money sitting in the machines.
What does an ABM cost? That is not an easy question to answer.