Thank you for the question.
One of the most important taxes for corporations in terms of what we're told and what our analysis shows is getting the depreciation rates on new capital investment right, so matching depreciation rates to useful life. The department has undertaken an extensive work plan to try to update a number of these estimates. The government has taken a number of decisions that have aligned CCA rates, depreciation rates, with useful life, including in the course of the last couple of budgets.
The second tax probably that Canadian corporations most strongly wanted removed was the capital tax, which was just a dead-weight loss tax, if I may, on capital, a deficit-fighting measure. The times have changed. It was eliminated in budget 2006. There were a number of CCA measures, as I say, in budget 2007 and 2006 as well.
Also corporations are very focused on the marginal or statutory tax rate. The government enacted a two-point reduction in the statutory tax rate in budget 2006 and another 0.5% reduction in the corporate statutory tax rate in 2011 as part of the tax fairness plan. It's part of the legislation for this budget. It will establish a tax advantage over the United States in manufacturing of more than 5% once fully enacted.
So getting on the marginal or statutory tax rates, getting rid of the capital tax, getting the depreciation correct are some of the most important elements. I would say there is one other tax that corporations tell us is incredibly important, which is out of our hands. These are the provincial sales taxes. The government has been discussing the concept of tax harmonization and harmonizing these sales taxes with the GST. That would have a real impact on the incentives for new business investment.
The last point I'll make, Chair, is that there was one other measure in this budget that was important to help our manufacturing sector adjust to both unprecedented competition from emerging markets at a time of globalization and the recent strength of the Canadian dollar, and that was a temporary increase in depreciation--the CCA rate, if you will--for manufacturing equipment to 50%. So effectively it's an ability to write off new plant and equipment investment over two years, a very important shot of adrenalin, as I think the minister put it, for the manufacturing sector.