Wouldn't you agree that there is a huge difference between a tax haven where people hide money in order to avoid taxes and an investment in foreign markets--in plants, equipment, and assets that provide raw materials--an investment coming from Canadian-generated funds that bear interest that is deductible? There's a huge difference.
We see a hollowing out of our economic assets, first in the income trust, and now in our globally competitive companies with their losing of this advantage. We see our contracts with the Department of National Defence now going to original equipment manufacturers, including life cycle maintenance and supply. We hear from people in our aerospace industry and our defence contracting industry that they will have to consider selling out to foreign interests because over the long run they can't be competitive in that type of market.
The research your department does--and I'm sure it's excellent--is paid for by public funds, so the advice should be public. The decision the minister makes is his to make--the decision that cabinet makes--but the advice provided by your research is included in these figures on how much taxpayers are paying for that advice.