Let me take them very quickly in reverse order.
As I said, there is substantial day-to-day and week-to-week volatility in the dollar. You are right, we are above the range that we did our projections on, and we'll just have to see as we come to the next time what sort of trading range we have. We are above what we had assumed, and we will take that into account next time, if we stay there.
On the environmental side, we have no expertise in this. Let's be quite clear. The only expertise we have is in the financial mechanisms that might be used to facilitate whatever measures the government decides to take, and we are in the process of beginning to do some serious work on the issues of how emissions trading systems could actually work. The great importance there is the future price, because that's what really drives it. The great problem with the emissions system so far actually has been that there hasn't been a long enough futures market to actually make them work.
On the final issue, the money that was stolen from the museum, Paul, do you want to say a word on that?