I'd like to start by saying I'd like to invite you to the Rotman School, because we could write several papers together on these topics you've raised.
I think the fundamental point that you're raising is a very good one. Before I answer your question, I want to say the following.
Making it more difficult for Canadian multinationals to access the global economy without policy changes to improve the competitiveness of the Canadian economy would hurt multinationals, but more importantly, it would hurt the Canadian economy, broadly based. If you want Canadian multinationals to do more investment in Canada, the right way to do it is not to mandate it and the right way to do it is not to make it more difficult for them to access the global economy; the right way to do it is to make it more attractive to invest in Canada. The dean of the business school, Finn Poschman, and many others have made the point that tax rates in Canada are very high. Some people say you should eliminate the corporate tax rate altogether, and tax that income when it actually flows to investors.
I'm not sure what the right tax rate is, but one thing on which there is a consensus is that within Canada corporate tax rates are very high, they're not competitive, and they're hurting the Canadian economy.