All right. We have agreement to proceed in this manner. Mr. McCallum, my only hesitation.... I'll need a little guidance here.
Okay, John, I'll just read you the concerns we have so far, and then what I think I'd like to do, before we get into discussion...we'll have to determine if these amendments are in order. The first concern is with Liberal amendment L-1. I'll ask officials to comment on this. The understanding is this might result in an increased tax rate. If that is the case, it would require a ways and means motion and is out of order.
Also, Liberal amendment L-18, which is your page 25, has a conflict in the sense that it could possibly also result in an increase in taxation, and there's a credit and refund aspect to it that requires a royal recommendation.
So those are the concerns. I wonder if there's an official here who would comment on those two specific amendments, if that's possible. Mr. Lalonde, are you...?