I think Canadians would applaud this committee for refusing to raise income tax, and this has been the position of our party from the beginning. We are opposed to raising income tax rates for hard-working Canadians. The effect of this amendment is that the budget does not raise income tax. In that sense, it would validate the claims of the finance minister to the effect that he's not raising income tax.
As I have said before, Canadians don't really care whether the lower income tax they're paying is because of legislation or because of a ways and mean motion. They care about what they actually pay. The effect of this budget is to raise that rate, as we all know, and the effect of this amendment is to refrain from raising that rate.
I don't expect the government side to agree, but it has been our long-held position that hard-working Canadians don't deserve the increase in the income tax rate that this budget is imposing.