Thank you.
Just as a comment, before I move to my next question, I want to say that your outreach program is fantastic. The string quartet that played at St. John's Anglican Church in Lunenburg, which is a terrific setting--it's a big setting and it seats 350 to 400 people--was absolutely magnificent. It works well.
Valerie Payn, we had some discussion over lunch, and you mentioned the high dollar and some of the competitive--I wouldn't go so far as to call it a disadvantage--challenges this causes. One of the great issues we faced in the export industry in the last 15 years was a deliberate low-dollar policy on behalf of the government, a dollar that was 10¢ to 15¢ lower than it really should have been. One of the things this caused was a lack of productivity, and that's straight across the board. The dollar is now at par, with all the challenges that brings with it, and the companies that have done the best have figured out that they have to cut costs and they have to increase productivity. Some of that means greater mechanization and innovative ways of cutting costs.
I'd like a comment from your point of view and your group's point of view on this.