Thank you very much.
Mr. Brady, I congratulate you on your brief, in which you recall, in particular, that the fiscal imbalance must be corrected by reinvesting $4.9 billion in the next budget to restore postsecondary education transfers to the levels where they stood before they were significantly cut by the Liberal government in 1995. You emphasized that those transfers must be made on an unconditional basis. That's very brave, given the government we have in Quebec City. That said, it's up to us in Quebec to make do with that government.
However, I'd like you to tell us about tax credits. Your colleagues from certain Canadian associations and federations say that tax credits for tuition fees and education are not helpful to students because, most of the time, they don't pay any tax. It's after their education, when they don't need that money, that they could use them. They suggested that these credits be simply abolished and that they be used to finance accessibility directly by transferring them, for example, to the provinces or by putting bursary programs in place.
Do you agree on that measure?