Sure. I can just enumerate them here.
We have a reduction in general corporate income tax rate to 15% by 2012, from 21% in 2007. The most recent announcements about those reductions took place in the economic statement. The corporate surtax was eliminated for all corporations in 2008. There was an acceleration of the elimination of the federal capital tax by two years, to January 2006. The small business tax rate was reduced to 11% from 12% by 2008. There was an increase in the amount of active business income that's eligible for the reduced small business tax rate, to $400,000 from $300,000 in 2007.
As Mr. Dunlop mentioned, there was a temporary 50% straight-line CCA writeoff for manufacturing and processing machinery and equipment. There was an increase to the CCA rate on buildings used in manufacturing or processing, to 10% from 4%, as well as an increase in the CCA rate for computers, to 55% from 45%.
There was also a financial incentive to provinces to facilitate the elimination of their capital taxes. So far, Ontario and Quebec have announced the elimination of their capital taxes before 2011.