Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'm not perhaps as familiar with the situation as Mr. Turner is or perhaps as Mr. McCallum may have been, sitting at the cabinet table when this was discussed in Mr. Martin's time as Prime Minister.
They were asked the same request as was our government. I think it's a situation we all recognize, talking about tax fairness, and I agree completely: what is a rule for one should be a rule for all in this country. It's an interesting situation that perhaps we should be looking at.
My concern right now is that, as we know, we have a budget coming forward. This committee will have many dealings with that. I look at what Mr. Pacetti has put forward and what Mr. Dykstra has put forward in motions that deal with what impacts all Canadians, and I would suggest that those should be the priorities.
If we can look at this in a very small way.... I'm not going to support this, because I personally see it as a witch hunt. But if it does pass, I sense that there will be some concerns from the Liberal Party as to what witnesses we bring forward. They would be from the member from Wascana, who may be a little sensitive about sharing with us what his mandate was from his Prime Minister, that being Paul Martin at that day.
I would suggest that this committee would be far better serving our constituents if we talked about future tax implications. I think we all agree that Canadians are still overtaxed. We need to look at ways that this government can continue to reduce taxes effectively for everyone.
So I will be voting against this. I don't think it's appropriate timing. I think we have many other more timely issues, what with the exciting new budget coming up, which we can be dealing with instead of dealing with this right now.