Sure, and I can probably do it relatively quickly.
The Competition Bureau reviews applications for companies to merge. Their job is to make certain that merging will not lessen competition in Canada and lead to a rise in prices. Because most of what we do is exported, most of the time they're dealing with a very small part of our activities and, as a result, make us less competitive in global markets.
So we're saying the Competition Bureau should have as a presumption to let the marketplace happen and let the mergers happen, because you have two competing public goods: a theoretical risk that prices will rise, and a demonstrable risk that jobs will be lost. Each time we've had a merger, prices have actually gone down, because our customers are bigger than us and they just turn the screw and take a bit more out of us, so that theoretical threat is actually just theoretical. When we don't merge, when we don't become large enough to compete globally—because, remember, we're selling in foreign markets 80% of what we're making—jobs are lost.
We're thinking the Competition Bureau's mandate is 10 years behind the times, because it doesn't take into account that we are a small, open exporting economy that needs to be able to bulk up to fight all the other bulky competitors in the global marketplace.