No, no. And that is not what I meant at all, on the contrary. I'm simply saying that in light of the new problems we face, there are no clear objectives. There's a community trust fund. This will cushion a part of the fallout communities are experiencing. That is it. Given the magnitude of the problems, I have a hard time telling you if it will cost $2 or $3 billion because we do not know the point of all this. Yet, what I can say is that rather than allocating $10 billion to the debt, it would have been good to acknowledge the urgency of the situation and allocate a portion of the money to setting up a fund that will help our industry become more competitive and help our workers receive training for new trades. This was not done.
In Canada, renewing infrastructure has to be done rather urgently. We've left the problem unresolved for years, and now is the time to act. Given this, your organization has issued an interesting proposal to create a Canadian purchasing policy, similar to the American one. To my mind, this is necessary given the inevitable slowdown in housing construction. This is an interesting idea that is totally absent from the current discussion.
I will conclude on that, but want to impress upon you that the means used to date are insufficient.