This is a power that a number of ministers have, and one can imagine it being used in the following situation. As you know, a number of expert panels have been appointed. In selecting people for these panels, it's often necessary to look for particular expertise, and there may be a need for various points of view to be represented. This hasn't been a difficult process administratively for expert panels that have recently been appointed, because they were pro bono; so it was not a question of a contractual relationship. But it is certainly possible—and this is foreseen in the acts or powers of some of the other ministers—the minister will need to appoint an advisory group, where remuneration will have to be paid. Having the flexibility to do this under the supervision of the Governor in Council rather than the conventional contracting rules would be extremely useful.
As I said, you're looking at places where very specialized expertise is necessary and where a certain balance of representation or views may be necessary. So the minister would wish to select the people individually.