There are a couple of parts to that answer.
Number one, if we just throw money at it, we're throwing it into a big dark hole, because we're dealing with a fundamentally broken system. We could actually double the size of the department by spending billions of dollars and it would still take four years to chew up the backlog, assuming there was no increase in it, assuming the number of applications we received each year matched the total we process. With the rules we're given to work with right now, if we were to speed that up, we would be attracting more applications, so we'd have to put more money into it, which would generate more applications, more money. It would become a relentless spiral. It's already out of control. We don't need that. That's why we have to change the system itself. You just have to do it better; you have to do it smarter.
We need the flexibility, because, quite frankly, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of 2002 was designed to protect the domestic labour market. We need to give it the flexibility so that it can respond to changing Canadian conditions, changing world conditions, as they change, and it needs to have a shelf life of more than three to five years, which this existing one has proven it has.