I think one of the key things is that when we present figures, we present them in the entire context to give people the background needed. To say there was a 100% increase in something could mean that the number had maybe gone from one to two, or maybe from 100,000 to 200,000. On a scale of magnitude, that's a big difference.
When one looks at the IRB backlog and how it's grown, there are a number of factors that have caused that. When we took over, there were approximately 100 vacancies imminent; they weren't open on the day we took over, but they were imminent within the next few months, and nothing had been done to fill them. So we looked at how the appointments were done and said that's not good enough. We improved the quality and the standards. We've made over 100 appointments—and we have several more in the works—and we've also expanded the total number of positions we're trying to fill.
Another reason for the backlog growing is that we've seen a significant increase in the number of applications. Remember, as I said before, we can't control the number of applications that come in. If more come in than we can process, then, yes, the backlog is going to grow significantly. There are a couple of reasons for that. There have been particular responses to the activities of our neighbours to the south that have caused dramatic increases in the number of applications we've received. No, we can't process them all, but we are well on our way to filling a much larger complement of IRB positions with very competent people.