Quite frankly, throwing resources at a fundamentally flawed system is just pouring money down the drain. We do need to put more resources into it, but that's not enough. We have to do things smarter and better and faster. That's why we're making administrative changes, upgrading computer systems, and changing our operational techniques for processing.
But the key here is that we cannot control how many applications we receive in a year. They can come flooding in. Indeed, every year we receive more applications than we have the capacity to process, by a significant number, and the existing law requires that we process each and every application, even if it's a second, third, or fourth application that's been waiting in line for somebody who's already been admitted. That's a waste of time, it's a waste of taxpayers' money, and it's certainly not fair to the others who are in the line. So we need to make some structural changes to the system.