I guess there are a couple of things we need to clarify.
Number one, there are literally millions of people in China and in India alone who qualify for admission to this country. That doesn't mean we can accept them all. We have a finite capacity to absorb newcomers, whether it's because of our settlement funding--which we have dramatically increased--or, more importantly, because of things like our hospitals, our infrastructure, our housing, and jobs for these people. We cannot accept everyone who is “qualified” to come here. And coming here isn't a right; it is a privilege. We have a finite capacity to process the applications, to accept these people, and to have them be successful. We have to recognize that.
With the backlog, the courts have ruled that we must process existing applications under the rules that were in place when the applicants applied, and we'll be following the law. But that's where a lot of our extra resources will go, to getting at that backlog.
We're going to be doing things smarter and better, because if we can put more people on the job, doing the job faster, we can get that backlog whittled down, especially if we put the cap on—