I would propose to you, sir, that if you know who this person is, you identify who the person is so that the person can be dealt with. Otherwise, I'm going to disregard the comments you've made as being the conjecture of an individual who would like to cast a negative light on our immigration officers, people whom, as you started your comments saying, you have respect for.
I have no respect for someone in our immigration system who harbours that kind of sentiment towards people from other nations. I'll tell you that straight up. And if there is an individual working in our immigration system who harbours that kind of ill will towards other communities, they should be dealt with accordingly. Our immigration system has been and will continue to be governed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and it does not allow for that kind of discrimination or those types of statements to be made against anybody. We protect people in this country and we fight against sentiment like that. If there's a person in the employment of the Government of Canada who feels that way, they should be outed and dealt with accordingly, I'll tell you that right now.
Secondly, you said—