It seems that way. When we first saw the proposed legislation, after the bill went through second reading in the House and it became public, we saw this, and the industry was frankly pretty nervous about what a prescribed mortgage is and what a prescribed entity is. We met with the people from the Department of Finance to see what they had in mind and explained some of the concerns they had.
They told us that what they're trying to achieve in terms of prescribed entities is limited partnerships and trusts. I said that sounded good. In terms of prescribed mortgages, all they were trying to do was ensure it was on a going-forward basis and there was no retroactive effect. My reaction to that was that I never thought there was a presumption in the law of retroactivity, but if they felt that was important because they didn't want to upset existing transactions, it wasn't of great concern to me.
Then I asked why we can't just put it in the law. The answer was “We just can't”.