Thank you, Chair.
My name is Brian Ernewein, and I'm the general director of the tax policy branch at the Department of Finance.
As we understand it, we were asked to attend today to speak about the two panels that were set up and for which provision was made in the supplementary budget estimates. I would like to offer a few moments of explanation on the advisory panel for international taxation.
We're also available to answer questions you may have regarding the budget relating to the panel and its supporting secretariat.
To start off, Canada's system of international tax is one of the most complex areas of our tax system, yet these rules are of crucial importance in attracting foreign investment into Canada and supporting Canadian corporations that do business abroad.
Significant changes to our system of international tax were unveiled as part of Budget 2007 and the anti-tax-haven initiative. I had the pleasure of being here before the committee following the announcement in 2007 and the May 14 changes to the anti-tax-haven initiative.
Those changes included, among other things, the non-deductability of interest expenses incurred as part of so-called double-dip financing structures, the elimination of withholding tax on all arm's-length interest payments to non-residents, the progressive elimination of withholding tax on interest payments to non-arm's-length U.S. lenders, and the extension of the existing exemption for certain dividends received from foreign affiliates, the so-called exempt surplus system, to dividends received from foreign affiliates located in countries with which Canada has signed an agreement concerning the exchange of tax information.
Also announced as part of Budget 2007 was the government's intention to create an advisory panel to review our current system and identify ways to improve its competitiveness, efficiency, and fairness.
The advisory panel was formally established on November 30, 2007 by the Minister of Finance. I believe we provided to the clerk yesterday the copies of the press release announcing this. The panel is chaired by Mr. Peter Godsoe, former chief executive officer and chairman of the Bank of Nova Scotia, and Mr. Kevin Dancey, now president and CEO of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, who acts as its vice-chair. Other members of the panel are Mr. James Love, Mr. Guy Saint-Pierre, Mr. Nick Pantaleo, Mr. Finn Poschmann, and Ms. Cathy Williams.
The panel's mandate, which was released with the announcement, is to review and assess the existing system of international taxation, to identify issues that arise under the system, to identify and assess possible options to address these issues, and to present detailed and specific recommendations for consideration by the government. The panel is to present its analysis and recommendations in a report to be submitted to the Minister of Finance by December 1 of this year.
As shown in the supplementary estimates, the funding allocated for 2008-09 for the panel's work is $3.76 million. This figure covers a number of activities. An important aspect, obviously, of the panel's mandate is to consult with stakeholders to obtain their input as to how the current system can be enhanced.
On April 25 of this year, the panel released a consultation paper identifying a series of questions about Canada's system of international taxation. It set out some of the panel's initial views and invited public comments on how to improve the competitiveness, efficiency, and fairness of the existing system.
The panel, as we understand it, will be receiving written submissions from interested parties until July 15, 2008, and many meetings between the panel and important groups of stakeholders are also being planned for the same period.
Research and analysis are two other important components of the panel's work. About a dozen research projects will be commissioned by the panel to study specific issues and aspects of Canada's system of international taxation. The panel and its work are supported by a secretariat headed by an executive director who reports to both the chair of the panel and the senior assistant deputy minister of tax policy at the Department of Finance.
Although formally a part of Finance, the secretariat is housed at a separate location and works at arm's length from the department so as to preserve the independence of the panel from the government. Nonetheless, all government rules and guidelines, notably those applicable to contracting, continue to apply to the panel and its secretariat. The Department of Finance retains signing authority for expenses relating to the work of the panel and its secretariat, including for contracts.
Finally, members of the panel have agreed to serve on the panel on a pro bono basis. They are reimbursed only for travel and accommodation expenses relating to their work in accordance with Treasury Board approved procedures. The Department of Finance has the responsibility to ensure that reimbursements are consistent with these procedures.
Thank you.