Many people will perhaps say that this money should not be committed and the federal government should simply move forward. Right now, in the Senate, Senator Grafstein's private member's bill suggests simply moving ahead and doing it. But our minister prefers to see what proposals can be made to the provinces that might secure their agreement.
Second, from our perspective, there is perhaps a greater meeting of the minds than may appear to be the case. Quebec has already come out in favour of an in-depth harmonization of legislation. It is working very closely with other jurisdictions. Minister Jérôme-Forget also said that she supported a national body that would apply the law uniformly in Canada. Furthermore, if the passport system is implemented, Quebec has agreed to delegate a lot of power to other jurisdictions. For example, it is now accepted that, when a prospectus is issued, it can be done in Manitoba, in Nova Scotia or in other provinces. The delegation is done to a common regulator, not a federal one. From our point of view, no difference of opinion automatically precludes the possibility of discussion.