I'm moving this motion because there are obviously issues to be dealt with on this bill. I've asked for an extension so we could deal with it. I don't mind dealing with Mr. Easter. I'm not opposed to helping.... I have volunteer firefighters, volunteer policemen in my community. I'm willing to be there to help them out. But there are issues with the wording, the legality of the bill that we have in front of us.
The mover of the bill admits that somebody else is going to look after that, CRA or Revenue Canada--they'll work it out. Well, that's not what the volunteers in this country are looking for. I think as legislators we could be a lot more specific, a lot more detailed, and provide something that will be implementable based on what it is.
That's why I'm supporting that we hollow it out right now. We bring it back and we look at proper amendments and proper wording.