I do have the firefighters' position and I have read it. It certainly is articulate with respect to the firefighting portion of your bill. But you also have ambulance technicians, and you have a category of a person who assists in the search and rescue of individuals or in other emergency situations. There appear to be three categories of people: ambulance technicians, firefighters, and a person who assists in search and rescue of other individuals.
Certainly CAFC's position is well articulated with respect to firefighters, and it may even be representative of the ambulance folks' position, but the way your bill is drafted leaves a whole opening with respect to other persons.
So the question I have—and I'll try to bring it to a practical situation—is that if a child disappears this weekend in the Gatineau and 100 volunteers show up to look for that child and they accumulate hours, and then the next weekend some other child disappears in the Ottawa area, could these persons, in theory, qualify for this kind of deduction?