A federal government that, by definition, heads ten provinces and the territories cannot have a detailed appreciation of what is happening in each of those regions. It has its own vision. If it does not bring together the ten provincial partners and the territories to see the details in each region of Canada close up, it is just going to keep pocketing oil revenue—no argument from us about that—but it will not see the looming disasters in other areas that are very important for Canadian society, like agricultural and forestry production.
Now I think that it is extremely important to have this vision and to share it. We are not asking the Prime Minister to intervene with the Bank of Canada. Not at all. That is not the proper approach. The proper approach is to see what is happening in each sector and to minimize any negative impact for Canadians working there. We are not yet at the point of seeing all these areas shut down. But that is what will happen if nothing is done. The forestry sector in Quebec is all but shut down, and the same thing will happen to agriculture if there is no significant change of course, no leadership that will, at very least, bring together the provincial premiers and territorial representatives to look at applying solutions appropriately in each of the regions of the country.